Saturday, May 5, 2018

Last Class

When I first began this journey two years ago, I remember chatting with a friend who had recently completed the program. During our conversation, I asked how it felt to be done. "Well, I sure love having my Saturdays back," she laughed. But after a pause she added, "but I also really miss those Saturdays." Staring at my own two years' worth of Saturdays, I was a bit skeptical. But now, having had our last class, I can completely understand what she meant.

Our cohort of ten was, I think, something special. From the first we have clicked, and I can not imagine having gone through this journey without them. Every course provided us a new opportunity to see each other in a different light, and we frequently laughed and cried together. Each of my nine cohort members opened my eyes to something they were passionate about: creative education, technology, careers programs, sports of all kinds, music, inclusive classrooms, and the true joy to be found in loving and connecting.

I am truly a better educator, a better leader, and a better person for having had the privilege of knowing these wonderful people. Already I know that when someone asks, I, too will say, "I miss those Saturdays!"

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